Composer detected issues in your platform: Your Composer dependencies require a PHP version ">= 7.4.0". urban photograph – NickyJameson Mixed Media Artist
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Deceptive Imagery, Photography of the Curtain Mural or Flatiron Toronto Mural by Nicky Jameson

Deceptive Imagery

The installation is known as the “curtain wall” mural or the “Flatiron” mural and is actually mounted on a huge steel armature fixed to the rear of the building.Many people mistakenly believe that the Toronto version of the Flatiron is a copy of the iconic New York Flatiron building which is located at 175 Fifth Avenue in Manhattan. The truth is the Toronto building was completed first, in 1892, a full ten years before its Big Apple counterpart.

Beach Dayz on HTO Beach

With the beautiful sunny day on the Canada Day Long Weekend, what better time to go out and about and shoot. Down on the Toronton Harbourfront it’s all construction at the moment, however the little …
