Fall on Toronto Waterfront

Toronto Waterfront in Fall_RW 5268 01
Toronto Waterfront in Fall

One of the joys of being a photographer is seeing and capturing the different seasons as they happen. As you know I love winter photography,with its sometimes unearthly and startling rendition of the urban landscape. And summer on Toronto waterfront is always beautiful. Few things come close though to Fall – or Autumn as we Brits call it. Fall on  the Toronto Waterfront is simply  beautiful.  In Canada Fall shows us the season’s most amazing colours. In fact going to see the leaves “turning” is actually a national thing in Canada, and there are spots you can go to get spectacular views of the trees in all their finery. The colours only last a few weeks and as I write this the trees are now bereft of their beautiful leaves.

Having had a very busy few weeks I wasn’t sure I’d get around to seeing the leaves turning, let alone capture the colours out of town. However I went for a walk one bright Sunday and was amply rewarded. There’s nothing like capturing Fall colours right on my doorstep – I was in awe. It was such a beautiful bright sunny day and as I walked along the waterfront and looked back I noticed the trees were red and gold. It was magnificent. As always my camera was slung around my shoulder and before long I was composing my Fall picture. I always think of Autumn (Fall  – and yes I do use them interchangeably) as a celebration of the season and growing up it was always about Harvest. I loved it – the smell of bonfires and chillier evenings (even though there was a little sadness that summer was over). I find Fall so beautiful and fleeting,  blink and  it’s gone, to be replaced by winter. It was an honour to capture Fall on Toronto’s  Waterfront, right on my doorstep. Especially as this particular scene is gone – all the trees have lost their leaves now. So as you can imagine I am doubly pleased I captured the transformation – and I hope you enjoy this Fall art photograph as much as I enjoyed capturing it.

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I'm Nicky Jameson Digital Artist from London, England, based in Toronto. A Modern Memory Keeper, my mission is to create and share iconic and lasting London and Toronto Cityscapes, and connections to Home. Visit Nicky Jameson Art to view more of my creations and purchase art or visit to support my art and check out my membershipQuestions? Call 4165003314 or email via my contact form.
