Wintertime Toronto

Toronto Harbourfront in Winter

Wintertime Toronto

A video for you. I hope everyone is having a great new year. Apart from migrating my site and coming down with a pretty bad cold I can cheerfully say the year has started pretty well! I took the opportunity of a necessary site move to change my website completely (and thanks to Brian my web designer for his invaluable help – if you are looking for a WordPress Guru, just let me know). Still a few kinks being ironed out but it’s getting there and I love being back with Genesis. So, here we are. It’s Wintertime Toronto and already I am looking forward to warmer weather. I had meant to blog an England summer art photograph today, however I am sure you’ll settle for a winter video instead.

This is one I took with my new Sony A7II (which I am still finding my way around, very cool). Wintertime in Toronto means snow and lots of it and when I took this it was like being in a snowstorm. With temperatures double digits below zero it’s been a little challenging going out and about to do my photography. And having a bad cold meant it wasn’t a great idea to wander out too far anyway. So far it’s turning out to be another brutally cold Toronto winter. As I speak, the lake is frozen, and as always, it looks quite spectacular. Stay tuned for the video. Though I love winter photography, winter is a very good time to catch up on processing all the photography I took during the summer. I am also looking forward to trying some new adventures and themes in my art photography too – part of my goals for 2015.
So for now, enjoy Wintertime Toronto – the movie.
This month’s email update will be out shortly (if you’re not on it yet, sign up under newsletter) and I’ll be sharing some thoughts about the year ahead. Remember to pop in and check out my gallery at the Arts Market if you’re local to Toronto,or the online shop if you’re further away. I am always adding new artwork and physical framed pieces are so much more fun see.

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I'm Nicky Jameson Digital Artist from London, England, based in Toronto. A Modern Memory Keeper, my mission is to create and share iconic and lasting London and Toronto Cityscapes, and connections to Home. Visit Nicky Jameson Art to view more of my creations and purchase art or visit to support my art and check out my membershipQuestions? Call 4165003314 or email via my contact form.
