Art In Uncertain Times: Intention and Hope in a Hard Week’s Month Intention: A Hard Week’s Month It’s been a hard week in a hard month in an even tougher year that we’ve been ill-prepared …
Fine Art Photography – Quiet Street in Bishopsgate
Fine Art Photography – Quiet Street in Bishopsgate I had a feeling of awe on coming across this street in Bishopsgate. My heart rejoiced because I immediately was drawn in by the lines and symmetry …
Art Photograph – Street Car on Lakeshore
But sometimes the picture creates itself – the moment presents itself to a person whom just happens to be holding a camera at the time. Streetcar on Lakeshore, my recent art photograph, was one of those moments.
Finding Vivian Maier
I went to see “Finding Vivian Maier” on Wednesday April 2 at the TIFF Bell Lightbox. After watching this beautiful, haunting film I had so many thoughts I immediately decided I had to write them …