Composer detected issues in your platform: Your Composer dependencies require a PHP version ">= 7.4.0". winter photography – Page 3 – NickyJameson Mixed Media Artist
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Sugar Beach Winter

I feel that part of my role as a photographer is to capture the unexpected. Mostly, the unexpected happens when you are least prepared (which is why it is unexpected!), so having your camera poised and ready when that perfect moment arrives

Winter Morning

Adams was a man of few words, but when he did say something, it was typically profound. “A true photograph need not be explained,” he once said, “nor can it be contained in words.” That sums up to me precisely what photography is all about. A photograph captures a moment, and says more about that one singular moment than a million words ever could.

Tree of Lights Toronto

The Christmas trees in Commerce Court are a special treat and an amazing sight. The sparkling trees literally come to light after dusk and you can see the lights twinkling and sparkling like so many stars on a tree. Even during the day the Tree of Lights sparkle brightly.
