New Art – Cloudy Night
Though sometimes things are beyond our understanding our hope will not diminish. There must be over 70 layers in this surreal composite artwork which I called Cloudy Night (after about 30 I stop counting) and yet this was artwork that wasn’t planned and seemed to flow from my fingers. Not quickly, but definitely purposefully. The photograph of the Toronto Skyline is one I took and made into another composite artwork. As soon as I thought of the general direction of Cloudy Night I knew that I was going to use that art as part of it, as with the Flatiron Building. Both of iconic Toronto landscapes.
The recent dreadful attack in Toronto made me want to create something a bit different, other-worldly, so I did so that evening(or was it the next day?). I have been thinking about things to do with skies and stars and it would still be difficult to put into words the way and how Cloudy Night came about. In the end it doesn’t matter, because that is art. What matters it that it did come forth. As I worked on it I recall thinking how senseless the loss of life was and how more and more it seems things happen with a frightening randomness. All those lives gone and countless others shattered, might never recover. The night is indeed a very cloudy night where it is difficult to see with just our eyes.
There’s been a ton of fighting talk these days, some back-patting and congratulations….I don’t really care about that. At all. It isn’t really what is important. What matters are those lives and bodies shattered. I hope no-one forgets about them, you know, when the news has moved on to the next headline. One lovely thing was the way people reached out on social media to see if we were ok. That was a reminder that we need to take care of each other, as much as we can.
Cloudy Night will be up in my artstore soon. In the meantime you can see it here