Showing: 13 - 16 of 21 RESULTS
Ilusion in Covent Garden Fine Art Print

Illusion in Covent Garden

This is something that you don’t come across very often – a golden man sitting seemingly suspended in mid air. When I saw him at first there were so many people surrounding him I wondered …

I.T. by Michael Christian, Photographed by Nicky Jameson in Toronto

I.T. War of the Worlds?

The following day many newspapers ran with stories that Welles’ broadcast had caused mass panic with several hundred people fleeing their homes in fear of the Martian invasion, not realising they were listening to a fictional radio broadcast. It seems unlikely now that the panic was as widespread as the newspapers would have us believe.

Paperback Writer

I’m sure most people have heard the Beatles’ song “Paperback Writer” – it was a number one on both sides of the pond after all – but I wonder how many people know the interesting story behind it…

Two Cans are better than one, an art installation by Canstruction. Each can of food goes to a food bank in Toronto

Two Cans are Better Than One

I was just walking by in the TD Centre and I happened to look up… saw something and being curious I just had to find out what that odd-looking structure was… I could only see the top of a couple of cans.
