“Two Cans” are Better than One by Canstruction
So I was just walking by in the TD Centre and I happened to look up… saw something and being curious I just had to find out what that odd-looking structure was… I could only see the top of a couple of cans. Imagine my surprise and delight on finding these amazing urban art structures which were part of Canstruction.
Canstruction® is a non-profit competition that decreases hunger and fights poverty in Toronto and cities around the world. This competition was in late May/early June. Each year, teams of designers, architects and engineers – students and professionals – donate their time to build massive, incredible structures from cans of food, with donations going to the Daily Bread Food Bank, Toronto’s largest community food bank. According to the write up, in Toronto alone there are more than 800,000 client visits to the food bank each year. Close up you see how the cans have been put together, while from afar you see the Two “Toucans.” It was awesome.
With one can of food as a catalyst for change, One Can® to represent the building block of change, Canstruction shows that small acts of kindness can go a long way. “Since 1992, Canstruction has contributed more than 17.5 million pounds of food to food programs around the world, demonstrating that we can win the fight against hunger.”
I loved the Toucans “Two Cans” creative and very clever art installation in support of a great purpose. It must have taken many hours to build the structures.