Showing: 5 - 7 of 7 RESULTS
Alto Cumulus, an Art installation in Broodkfield Place. Fine art print by Nicky Jameson

Alto Cumulus

 Alto Cumulus by Max Streicher Lately we’ve been having some very crazy weather. Two weeks ago Toronto was submerged by floods from torrential rain. From a hot sunny afternoon the sky darkened within minutes and …

King Street East

Toronto photographer Nicky Jameson shoots King Street East, one of Downtown Toronto’s busiest intersection during the week and in the evenings. Street cars are a mainstay of downtown, important for getting across the city.

Two Cans are better than one, an art installation by Canstruction. Each can of food goes to a food bank in Toronto

Two Cans are Better Than One

I was just walking by in the TD Centre and I happened to look up… saw something and being curious I just had to find out what that odd-looking structure was… I could only see the top of a couple of cans.
