Composer detected issues in your platform: Your Composer dependencies require a PHP version ">= 7.4.0". London Photography –Tower Bridge – NickyJameson Mixed Media Artist

London Photography –Tower Bridge

Tower Bridge London by Nicky Jameson

London Photography – Tower Bridge

Tower Bridge

I’ll be in London in April for the first of two visits this year. So I thought it time to get busy working on the many London photography images I’ve not had a chance to work on for the past few months. What with getting a new cameral and diving into Toronto winter photography it’s been a busy few months. The beauty of any photography, whether landscape Toronto or iconic London photography is that it can immediately transport me back to the time and place and sensations I felt at the time I beheld my subject.

Tower Bridge is a beautiful yet challenging bridge to shoot. I have taken photos underneath it, on it and by the sides of the bridge. The best views are from being on a boat on the Thames. But even then, you have to be still, the light has to be just right (not easy) and, if like me, you want to get a red double-decker London bus going over the bridge and avoid crowds of people in this popular attraction, well you must be patient and experiment. I consider myself quite fortunate to be able to compose this particular view and I think it would great as a large canvas print. Of course I will always see if I can capture yet another unique angle of Tower Bridge, like I did here.

Imagine walking over Tower Bridge. And to view or purchase visit the print shop.

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I'm Nicky Jameson Digital Artist from London, England, based in Toronto. A Modern Memory Keeper, my mission is to create and share iconic and lasting London and Toronto Cityscapes, and connections to Home. Visit Nicky Jameson Art to view more of my creations and purchase art or visit to support my art and check out my membershipQuestions? Call 4165003314 or email via my contact form.
